Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DIY Aerodynamic Honda Motorbike - UberGizmo (blog)

UberGizmo (blog)

DIY Aerodynamic Honda Motorbike
UberGizmo (blog)
Despite the modifications adding an extra 88lbs to the bike, it still manages to eke out more miles per gallon, which goes to show his design isn't too bad. ...
214 MPG DIY Super-Aerodynamic Modified Honda 125cc MotorbikeTreehugger
214 mpg with DIY aerodynamic fairings on a Honda 125cc motorbikeAutoblog (blog)
Guy Mods Honda Motorbike to Get 214 MPGGas 2.0 (blog)
Wired News -Inhabitat (blog) -GreenMuze
all 9 news articles »

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